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Lapwing en streaming complet


Film en streaming complet vf et vostfr hd

regarder ou telecharger le film Lapwing en streaming complet hd vf et vostfr replay gratuit vod sans limite et sans inscrption compatible chrome cast sur mobile tablette pc console

Mute young woman Patience, from an isolated community in rural England in 1555, struggles with her controlling brother-in-law and leader, David, who is gradually unraveling after the failure of his idyllic community. The Egyptian Act has been passed, stipulating that all ‘gypsies’ must vacate England immediately and anyone found aiding them could be executed. In exchange for a fee, David agrees to help an Egyptian family who must stay a month on their land until a ship comes to take them away. But when Patience pursues an affair with one of the outsiders, she is thrust into a violent and vicious psychological battle with David.



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